Sebastian Inlet Marina

Mon-Fri: 8 am - 4 pm
8685 US-1
Micco, FL 32976
27.8694 -80.4942
Sebastian, FL
Partly Cloudy
6:31 am8:05 pm EDT
Feels like: 90°F
Wind: 9mph WNW
Humidity: 69%
Pressure: 29.89"Hg
UV index: 5
12 pm1 pm2 pm3 pm4 pm
88°F / 75°F
93°F / 75°F
86°F / 72°F
86°F / 70°F
84°F / 72°F

Sebastian Inlet Marina

Sebastian Inlet Marina is more than just a traditional marina with modern amenities. This facility offers high and dry boat storage services, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a dry dock to store their boat. With a focus on safety and security, the team at Sebastian Inlet Marina ensures that vessels are protected from the elements and other hazards that could potentially cause damage. Wet slips are also available for those who prefer to keep their boats in the water. In addition to exceptional storage options, the marina provides ample opportunities for social interaction, such as rendezvous and picnics, all while delivering the premium level of convenience and service that you would expect from a top-tier boat storage facility. We look forward to welcoming you to Windward Sebastian Inlet Marina!

Wade Simmons

Marina General Manager
